The Mission of the School District:

Our mission is to cultivate the potential in every student to thrive as a global citizen by inspiring a love of learning and civic engagement, by challenging and supporting every student to achieve academic excellence, and by embracing the full richness and diversity of our community.

Monday, March 8, 2010

If only we had more money.

The last two weeks have been some of the toughest and least fun since I've been on the school board. Because of a HUGE cut in state aid, the MMSD is facing a 30 million dollar budget gap next year and we have two choices: cut programs or raise property taxes.

In my board packet last week, I got a 4 inch binder full of hundreds of pages of "reductions and efficiencies," possible budget cuts ranging from insignificant to devastating. I was relieved to hear from the superintendent that the budget cuts aren't in any way "for sure" or even recommended. But basically, the less we cut, the more we tax-- and that's really tough on property owners in this economy.

I'll give more info about specific budget proposals in the future, and if you have an opinion about specifics, talk to me or come to student senate.

Other things we talked about at tonight's meeting:
• Infinite Campus: The District approved a plan to increase usage of IC, including a mandated use of the Gradebook for teachers and a goal to have 100% use of IC by 2012.
•The Board is submitting a waiver request to the Department of Public instruction, asking to allow the MMSD to have a day reserved for only 6th graders and 9th graders for orientation
• Christopher Xu, a 5th grader at Muir elementary, was recognized for having the highest score in the state on the American Mathematics Competition Grade 8 Test. And he's currently taking pre-calc. No joke. Way to go, Christopher!
•We voted to authorize the Superintendent to submit to the DPI an application for a charter school proposal for the Badger Rock middle school. It's very exciting to see this sustainable, service-learning school continue to be planned and supported.

FUN FACT: Did you know that the assistant superintendents meet at least once a month with ALL the MMSD principals? I wonder if it's separately or all in one big room.

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