The Mission of the School District:

Our mission is to cultivate the potential in every student to thrive as a global citizen by inspiring a love of learning and civic engagement, by challenging and supporting every student to achieve academic excellence, and by embracing the full richness and diversity of our community.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Vote Sarah Maslin for Student Liaison

On November 1st, 2008, Madison high school students joined forces to rally for support of November 4ths referendum vote. Holding brightly painted signs and shouting “Save our Schools--- Vote Yes!” the enthusiastic group of students drew a crowd, including newspaper and television reporters. More importantly, the student-led campaign contributed to the success of the 13 million dollar referendum, which passed with a 68% yes vote.

As your 2008-2009 Student Liaison to the Board of Education, I organized the student referendum campaign. I attended dozens of board meetings, planned the student rally, and arrived at 6 AM to Capitol Square ready to persuade citizens. The success of the referendum, which saved our schools from millions of dollars of budget cuts, was the most important project I took part in—but only one of many.

I attend board of education meetings every week, sometimes twice a week, which are known to last up to five hours. I’ve created an online forum where I post board activities and events, for students to comment on and approach me with questions and concerns. As a leader of student senate, I’m working on a policy change to expand involvement in district wide student government.

However many achievements I list off, my message is simple. Madison’s support of the referendum proves how dedicated our district is to providing all students with an exceptional free public education. I strive to bring that same dedication to the Board and to this campaign. As your 2009-10 student representative, I will continue to put my time, my energy and my heart into fighting for you on the board. I promise to respond to student questions and concerns, and always put you first when making decisions: because, after all, school is for the students.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Student Senate Elections

A chance for all students to exercise their right for democracy! The elections for the student liaison and alternate to the board of education are coming up soon. 

What can you do?
• Run for one of the two positions: talk to your SLC principal or guidance counselor for information and candidate packets, or attend a student senate meeting-- you don't have to already be a member!
-Tuesday, March 17th, 6 PM at Doyle Administration Building: next student senate meeting
-Friday, April 30th, candidate packets due to Assistant Superintendent's office by 4 PM
• Vote in the election, which will be held the week of May 13th

School Board News, March 2

Hey, students! In case you weren’t aware, you have a high school representative on the MMSD Board of Education. My name is Sarah Maslin, I’m a junior at West High, and I attend the board meetings with an advisory vote to represent the voice of the students of Madison.

In the past couple months, under the leadership of our new superintendent Daniel Nerad, the school board has collaborated with teachers, students and community members in an exciting process called “Strategic Planning”. The mission of the process is to realign the goals and procedures of the district to achieve success for our students.

The board also recently renewed the contract for our district’s dual language immersion charter school. Congrats Nuestro Mundo for another five years! After this huge success, the district is starting to plan for dual immersion programs within other MMSD elementary and middle schools.

The administration is beginning to plan the future of 4-year-old kindergarten in the MMSD. Though still in the very early stages of planning, MMSD staff, Madison day care providers and community members are excited to embark on this process. Our goal? Providing all young children with the early childhood education to prepare them with the knowledge and skills needed to enter kindergarten.

My job as student liaison to the school board is to speak for the students. In order to do my job, I need your help! Visit my blog at to read about hot topics on the board, as well as to ask questions or make comments about your school or the district. Come to student senate on Tuesday nights at 6 at the Doyle building—it’s a great way to make friends, get volunteer hours and get involved!