The Mission of the School District:

Our mission is to cultivate the potential in every student to thrive as a global citizen by inspiring a love of learning and civic engagement, by challenging and supporting every student to achieve academic excellence, and by embracing the full richness and diversity of our community.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We did it!!!!

The referendum passed! I was thrilled to hear news of Obama winning county after county and state after state, but as the night of November 4th got later and later, I waited anxiously to hear the results of the referendum vote. But thanks to community support, and the huge efforts of school board members, volunteers, and students like you, the referendum was approved.

Thanks so much to everyone who showed up at the Capitol Square rally last Saturday. It was a great success! We had at least 20 kids, multiple news reporters (with stories in the Capitol times and on Channel 3 news featuring our cause!), and tons of supportive farmers-marketers. I think our effort, as students, really made a difference in the outcome of the vote.

Though we avoided cutting countless programs, classes and positions by approving this 13 million dollars to patch up the budget gap, our work isn't over. We embark now in a process of strategic planning- to find out the best way to spend our limited money. The superintendent and board members will be consulting students, teachers, community members, and anyone with a voice about their personal concerns and ideas. We also have a long ways to go in Wisconsin and the United States as a whole to receive more financial support for our schools, and our future...


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